
M.S. Information Management

University of Washington, 2019 - 2021

B.S. Agricultural Economics

China Agricultural University , 2013 - 2017


Microsoft - BI Engineer (vendor)

March 2021 - Present

    Architect and implement an automated security management workflow and powerBI dashboard for the Microsoft Mixed Reality security team.

  • Designed and developed the pipeline of risk register and policy document review with Azure DevOps.
  • Architected and implemented the security workflow using ServiceNow GRC and integrated it with the current dashboard. - Software Engineer, Intern

June 2020 – October 2020

    Implemented and maintained a scalable, serverless backend for an online career fair web application.

  • Designed and developed a serverless backend architecture for job fair events features with DynamoDB, API Gateway, and Lambda.
  • Developed and integrated JWT authentication with Auth0 and Lambda proxy integration for user login and API request validation.
  • Utilized AWS SQS queues to invoke data process and update functions for better scalability and availability.

Beijing NorthStar S&T Development - Software Engineer, Intern

September 2017 - February 2018

    Upgraded and maintained an eCommerce web application in MERN stack, helping to increase order retention rate by 17%.

  • Refactored and launched full-stack features of order management and user dashboard to upgrade the user experiences.
  • Designed and implemented schema structure in MongoDB, built backend REST APIs service following Middleware pattern.

Ernst & Young - Advisory service, Staff Associate Consultant

June 2017 - July 2018

  • Designed and prototyped a Business Process Management module of a risk management BI system to monitor, audit, and archive business legal documents.
  • Develop a financial expenditure procedure using agglomerative hierarchical clustering (AHC) model to optimize expenditure approval standard and visualized in Tableau dashboard.


Sync Sofa

remote streaming video synchronizer

    Led an open-source full-stack project to synchronize streaming video playback with multiple remote users from scratch, iterated 10 versions, and maintained 6k active users on Google Web Store with over 90% positive feedback.

  • Built REST APIs using Golang to handle the lifecycle of connection sessions and broadcast video playback through WebSocket.
  • Implemented a mutual handshake and heartbeat mechanism on the client-side to ensure stable and low latency sync within 1 second.
  • Developed built-in video call and text messaging features using webRTC and self-developed signaling server in Golang.

Pet diet Formulator

full-stack pet diet recommendation webapp

    Designed and developed a full-stack web app to recommend optimal pet diet plans based on the nutritional needs of the pets.

  • Used Hibernate to manage schema models and build high-performance REST APIs with JWT based user authentication.
  • Abstracted the services layer with delegation design pattern and Java reflection to improve the extendibility and readability.
  • Prototyped and developed interactive, maintainable, and promise based web client using React, Axios, and Redux.

Course Channels

full-stack student group-chat web app

    Developed a slack-like chat web application with an API gateway-based microservice architecture.

  • Developed a self-implemented API gateway to perform IAM, SSL termination, session management, and Websocket connections.
  • Created a messaging microservice that exposes REST APIs for CRUD operations of messages and channels using node.js.
  • Developed a real-time notifications infrastructure to listen and relay message events over RabbitMQ and WebSocket.
  • Implemented a trie data structure to index usernames for the autocomplete search suggestions feature.

Database management system

    Implemented a relational database management system with transaction, recovery, and buffer management. And achieved top-tier query performance in course lab tests on IMDB datasets.

  • Developed select, join, group by and aggerate operators by implementing the query tree generation and execution process.
  • Implemented a thread-safe, two-phase locking-based concurrency control to ensure isolation and atomicity of transactions.
  • Optimized query operations with B+ tree indexing and statistical query cost estimation algorithm.


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Amazon Web Services
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